SensingMonitor is the solution for sensor node monitoring and interfacing for non-technical personnel.
It allows users to connect to the Waspmote (including Plug&Sense models) and read the node's USB output or send data over USB to the node. Technical knowledge about ports, port speeds, and settings, is not required.
SensingMonitor works out of the box - just connect the node and run it, and you will see the node's USB output or send a command to it.
SensingUploader works perfectly with Elmitel
SensingCloud IoT cloud for Waspmote and
SensingOS operating system for Waspmote.
SensingUploader is perfect if you wish to:
- have a small, simple program to interface your nodes
- outsource on-field node management to non-technical cooperators
SensingUploader system requirements:
- Windows 7 or newer Windows operating system
- Free USB port on the device
- USB to MicroUSB cable - to connect the sensor node